Outreach Ministry
Northwest Christian strongly believes in supporting community programs locally and globally. As part of our Christian ministry, we believe in reaching out to others to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
Here are a few of the ministries we support:

NNEMAP Food Pantry is a cooperative ministry distributing food to needy residents of Columbus including Grandview, Upper Arlington and other nearby neighborhoods. Established in 1969, NNEMAP has become one of the largest food pantries in Franklin County serving more than 18,000 people annually. The pantry distributes approximately 3,000 pounds of food each week to its clients. (Visit www.nnemappantry.org for additional information.)
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit Christian ministry founded on the belief that every person should have access to a safe and affordable place to live. HFH builds homes for families world. Whether it is economic struggles, natural disasters, war or civil unrest, HFH provides shelter and housing solutions to help families recover. The local chapter helps relieve housing burdens to central Ohio families. It requires over 2,500 volunteer hours to build a house. (Visit www.habitatmidohio.org for additional information.)

CROP Walk is an interfaith, community event involving thousands of people who raise funds for local and global hunger programs. Organizers have a goal to raise $100,000 to help hungry people, both in Franklin County and in countries around the world. Mid-Ohio Food Bank receives a portion of the funds raised by CROP Walk. Northwest Christian Church is a leading congregation in supporting this event in Columbus. (Visit www.crophungerwalk.org/columbusoh for additional information.

At the Riverview International Center, it is our desire to assist with the basic needs of New Americans in the Riverview Drive neighborhood. Our office is a place where people can walk in and get help with any question they may have about navigating life in America. If we cannot provide the help ourselves, we will work hard to find someone that can. The goal is to be a flexible and community-oriented resource for whoever comes through our door. (Visit www.riverviewinternationalcenter.org for additional information.)

The YMCA Family Center provides emergency shelter and critical services to stabilize homeless families in central Ohio. Their goal is to help families find housing within 3 weeks of entering the program. To assist families with rapid re-housing, a breadth of services is offered including direct family assistance (meals, transportation and basic needs), family advocacy, employment services and childcare. Northwest Christian Church specifically assists with providing and delivering meals several times a year. (Visit www.ywcacolumbus.org for additional information).